Wednesday, May 22, 2013

the big gain

Hey all it's Weigh-In Wednesday... and I gained. Ugh.

I gained 2.5lbs.

I'd love to say "oh I don't know why I gained..."

I do know why... I'd be really on top of my eating, saying how I was going to get back on track, and then I'd see some chips or want a piece of pizza and I'd eat them. In the past I've been able to have some "bad" food and still lose or at least maintain. I think that in a way has hurt me, because I keep trying to push the limit of it. Obviously I ate too much "bad" food this week and did not have enough healthy good for me food.

I am not going to say I am getting back on track, because every time I do that lately it seems like I hit some imaginary wall and self sabotage.

Instead I will say I will try harder, I will try harder today to track each point I eat. I hope next week I can come back and say I have lost that 2.5lbs that I gained.

Here is KBeaner and I at a Diner... one of my "bad" food choices..but it was so yummy!

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