Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's weigh in day

It's weigh in day again... I'm back down to 161 lbs!! I lost the 3 lbs I gained last week.

I know it sounds odd but I am thankful for the gain I had last week. It gave me a kick in the butt, made me realize that I cant just do weight watchers half hearted, I have to be all in. Just one week of not tracking as well as I normally do, I gained 3 lbs, but just one week of tracking everything and making better choices and I lost those 3 lbs I had gained.

I indulged a lot this week, I had lots of pizza, I had mac and cheese, and of course a lot of those Skinny Cinnamon Rolls. Yes, I had not so healthy food but I ate them in moderation, and I made them into healthier foods by making little changes to the ingredients. The "healthified" food tastes just as good as the normal versions. Honestly I think they taste better, over Christmas I had real delivery pizza, yes it tasted amazing but I think my pizza tastes just as amazing but doesn't give me a horrible stomachache like the delivery pizza did.

What are some foods you like to make healthier versions of? Are there any foods you'd like me to try to make healthier and blog about? Let me know!

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