Monday, January 6, 2014

Manic Monday- Meal Plan and Accountability week 1

Honey, I Shrunk the Mom

Hey all!! Today marks some new things! I'm getting my act together!! Now every Monday I will be posting about my weigh in and will be putting up a weekly meal plan. I am doing this with three of my friends whom also have blogs. Check them out too!

Here are their blogs..

Alright let's get down to business! I weighed in this morning ...169  which I'm not happy with but considering two weeks ago I was 174 and that 4 years ago I was 263 I should be very happy about it! Although I keep saying "yeah but in May you were 151". Well it is what it is, I for whatever reason stopped working hard and my weight shows it, so does how I feel. I want to get my energy back and feeling healthy again. 

Here is what I have planned for dinners this week:

Pulled Pork with Homemade Bread
Healthy Pizza
Homemade Chicken Nuggets, veggies and sweet potato fries
Pork Tacos (with the pulled pork)
Greek Style Chicken with tzatziki sauce and veggies on the side.
Veggie Stir Fry

What are your plans for this week? Are you starting over? Let me know in the comments.


  1. Remember, we can't focus on where we've been, we have to focus on where we're going! Just keep on truckin'. :) Do you have a recipe for Greek style chicken? Sounds good!

  2. Pork tacos sound good. I haven't had them in a while. Sounds like a great plan!

  3. Thanks ladies!! I found the recipe for the sauce on and I'm just going to saute the chicken and put them in tortillas (I forgot to buy pitas) and have veggies on the side.

  4. We have some of the same things on our meal plan this week! Leftover pork roast (we'll do sandwiches with it) and homemade chicken nuggets with homemade sweet potato fries! Great minds think alike.

  5. I saw that this morning Laura! I thought the same thing.. proving even more that great minds think alike! :)

  6. Such an inspiration! I'll be following you and the rest of the "team"! Menu looks great! I'm back on track too, 30 minutes of something, 5 days a week, and clean eating for the most part:-)

    1. Thanks! Great job that you're back on track too, excited for you to join us!!
