Friday, December 7, 2012


Hold yourself accountable.
I think that is a huge part of any weight loss journey. It’s hard to hear but you have to get serious about it, and get hard on yourself at times. At least that has been one of the “secrets” to my success. 

I feel like (and I know) it’s easy to just tell yourself I’ll start tomorrow or I don’t have to journal that piece of candy, or I’m too tired to workout (I’ve been using that last one a little too much lately… guilty!) You need to tell yourself “I AM going to stay on track today” or even a smaller goal like “ I AM going to journal what I eat, even if it isn’t ‘good’” or “I AM going to have an extra fruit or veggie.”  Say that to yourself and do it!
 I’m not going to lie, it’s going to be hard but you can do it, it will get easier and become second nature.  Although some days or weeks it will be hard again, but you just need to keep pushing yourself. The results of becoming healthier and losing weight is amazing, I feel wonderful physically and mentally.  Those feelings start after only a few pounds! It’s a great, empowering feeling to know that you can do this, you are in charge of yourself, and are making healthy decisions for yourself.  

Something that has been very helpful for me is journaling what I eat. Since I do weight watchers I keep track of my daily points, and weekly points in a notebook. I also keep track of how much water, fruits and veggies I’ve had and how much exercise I’ve done.  Whenever I eat or drink something I track it! Then I know how many points I’ve used and how much I have left for the day. For me this stops mindless eating.
my journal
Even if you are not doing weight watchers I highly recommend food journaling for a week or even a few days, or even one day!  Just try it!

Another way that has helped is holding yourself accountable by talking with friends and family about your journey. If you tell someone you are going to work out later you are much more likely to actually work out. At least for me I don’t want to let people down, I want to prove to people that you can do this and that it’s not that hard (well not all of the time) and that I am actually doing this and will do this.  Part of the reason I have this blog is that it holds me accountable; I know it doesn’t get a ton of views and I only have a few followers but that is enough to keep me accountable. I have come so far and hopefully I am inspiring others to become healthier,  I can’t just take a “break” from my weight watchers plan and eat whatever I want, if I did that I feel like I’d be letting myself down and you.  I’m not going to lie and say I eat perfectly all of the time, I don’t, and I eat in moderation. Sometimes I eat things that are not that healthy for me but when I do I always track it and write it down.
I know it’s the holiday season, it’s hard to stay on track or to get started, and a lot of people say well I’ll just give up and start over in the New Year. How many times have you said that? I know I used to say that all of the time. Why not start now? Looking back I wish I had started this a long time ago, I didn’t because I think I was too afraid to try and fail. Well I feel like you can’t fail if you are trying.

Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time… one craving at a time. You can do this, trust me if I can do this YOU can do it!
Here's some inspiration...


  1. i love the chart! great idea!
    you are so honest and i am so proud of your diligence! i love reading every post!

  2. Thank you so much, that really means a lot to me!
