Saturday, December 22, 2012

weigh in

Hey everyone!

Last Wednesday was weigh in and I'm down to 161!! That's 2 lbs lost!!!

As always I'm so excited, this week I'm also surprised, I worked out a little bit at the end of last week but then my sciatica was bothering me so I wasn't exercising.  I'm thrilled that having a healthy (mostly) diet has helped me lose even if I did not exercise.

This past week I've been crafting a lot for Christmas presents, I can't show any pictures yet, but after Christmas I'll post a ton!

I know a lot of people will say "TMI Jill" but I don't care ... I've also been working very hard on getting KBeaner potty trained, she was doing pretty well, 2 days in a row of no accidents, then a few accidents the past couple days. Potty training is the worst! At least we are saving money not buying diapers, although the past few months we have gone through a lot of carpet cleaner! haha. I downloaded a free Pull Ups app for potty training, that seemed to help. The potty "calls" you and then it plays music while they are using the potty and they get a sticker when they go, and if they get 9 stickers they get a game. It worked better than using the kitchen timer.

Sorry I don't have any pictures but I promise to put some new ones up. I'm visiting my family, and as you all know the holiday season can be a little hectic.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday!!

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