Sunday, October 28, 2012

Products that Help with Weight Loss

There are a lot of products that can help with weight loss. I'm not talking diet pills and magic potions, but different tools to help you have a healthier lifestyle.

Here's a list of some my favorites that I use all the time (I've linked these to Amazon to give you an idea, but obviously any brand works)

Food Scale- I use my food scale all day long, it helps with getting the right portion and sometimes if you weigh out your food you get "more" than if you had measured it out!
Product Details

Measuring Cups- kind of obvious but measuring cups make sure you are getting the correct portion of food.

Product Details

Scale- Your scale doesn't have to be a fancy one, just one that you can use to weigh in each week so you can see how you're doing. Please don't obsessed with what your scale says, sometimes the best way to measure if you're losing is with how your clothes feel on you.

Product Details

Salad Spinner- Seriously I love this thing! You can clean your lettuce with out having to wait forever for it to dry. I also find it stays fresh longer, which saves you money. Every couple days I clean up more lettuce so that when I want a salad I can just grab some quickly. I buy whole heads of romaine instead of those salad bags, its cheaper!

Product Details

A Notebook- I track all of my points, my exercise, how much water I drink and how many fruits and vegetables in a notebook. It helps hold me accountable and keeps me on track.

Product Details
Hope these help you as much as they help me. Tell me in the comments about your favorite products!


  1. i just got a kitchen scale and i love it!! it's so helpful. i got mine for 5 dollars at tj maxx and it's totally worthy it. i love to buy chicken or beef in bulk and then divide it up on the scale and freeze it.

    and the salad spinner is my newest best friend in the kitchen. i read somewhere that to make salads fresh like at restaurants you should rinse them and dunk them and spin the greens really really good. then toss the dressing so that everything is coated so well that you wont miss all the dressing that you used to use.

    love this post jill!! you're so resourceful!

    1. Thanks Sara! I'm going to have to try to do my salad like that! I also need to start buying meat in bulk and freezing it, saves so much money!
