Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

It’s weigh in Wednesday, I stayed the same weight this week. I suspected that this would happen since I had such a big weight loss last week. I did workout 6 days a week as I normally do but I struggled to do it.

Support is a big factor in weight loss; at least it is for me.  I’m very lucky, my fiance is eating healthier as well, some of my friends are working on their own weight loss journeys, and my other friends and family that are not trying to lose weight are very supportive and excited for me.

If I’m struggling to work out I’ve found if I call a friend it helps a ton! The other day I did not want to work out at all, so I called my friend. We live 3 hours away from each other so we can’t work out together but what we did do was set up a time where we were both going to do a work out video online (I’m obsessed with After we were done working out we called each other back. It sounds kind of silly but it works, it holds you accountable and you know you’re not the only one working out. For me that makes a workout easier.  If you have a friend nearby that also enjoys working out, set up work out dates. You won’t want to cancel on your friend, thus you won’t cancel on your work out either. It doesn’t have to be some crazy gym session, and you and your friend could go for a walk.
I also call or message my friends if I want to eat junk food or overeat. A lot of the time when I’m having those cravings it’s not because I actually want that food it’s because I’m bored or stressed. By calling a friend I’m able to get over that feeling, instead of eating the feeling. Which when I eat the feeling I end up feeling worse and then want to eat more and then I feel even worse.

Next time you are feeling down, don’t want to work out or you want to eat unhealthy foods call or message a friend. If you feel like you don’t have a friend that would understand, you could join an online community or comment me here!
Hope you’re all having a great day today!

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